Have you decided to visit Vilnius in July 2021? Great choice! As Vilnius is one of the greenest capitals of Europe, a lot of trees and flowers start blossoming in May, the days get warmer, brighter and longer. So pack
Things to do in Vilnius in November
November just started and we present you our monthly article aiming to advise you what to do if you visit Vilnius in November. November in Lithuanian language is lapkritis that literally means the falling leaves. The colorful bouquet from green to rich red and golden
Things to Do in Vilnius in July
Usually Vilnius really comes to life in July. The streets of the city are buzzing with travelers, relaxed people, crowded coffees and sweet summer vibes. However, this year due to Covid-19, Vilnius looks slightly different. It’s beautiful outside, but naturally
Things to do in Vilnius in December
Planning to visit Vilnius in December? Good news! Here’s our monthly guide to most of the events and cultural happenings taking place in Vilnius in December. It’s the last month of the year and that means that the Christmas spirit
Things to do in Vilnius in October
October just started and we are presenting you our monthly article aiming to inform you about the things to do in Vilnius in October. A lot of people usually associate October with lesser crowds, low travel prices, chilly weather
Things to do in Vilnius in September

After a short (no matter how long, holidays are always too short) summer break, our tradition to introduce you the most important monthly historical events and festivities comes back! So if you turn up in Vilnius this beautiful and colorful
Things to do in Vilnius in May
Have you decided to visit Vilnius in May? Great choice! As Vilnius is one of the greenest capitals of Europe, a lot of trees and flowers start blossoming in May, the days get warmer, brighter and longer. So pack your
Easter Traditions in Lithuania
Easter traditions in Lithuania Easter is the biggest spring festival in the Christian world. Even non-Christians countries have different forms of celebrations around Easter time. Jews feast Passover, the festival that remembers that God saved the nation from slavery in Egypt. In ancient times,
Palm Sunday
The Palm Sunday Palm Sunday is celebrated all over the Catholic world and marks the beginning of the Holy week. According to Christian belief, on this day, Jesus, rode on a back of a donkey into Jerusalem, one week before his death
Things to do in Vilnius in April
Have you decided to visit Vilnius in April? Great choice! April is the right month to travel to Vilnius. The days get longer, sunnier and warmer, the flights and bus tickets are cheaper and the city is still less crowded.