We will start the tour at the Cathedral square and take you 700 hundred years back when the history of this city began. You will find out how our Grand Dukes ruled the city and what enemies the Grand Duchy of Lithuania had in the Middle Ages. You will be surprised how powerful, big and threatening our country was in old times.
Then we will leave the Cathedral square and will take you towards the center of Lithuanian education. We will jump to the 16th century when the struggle between Reformers and Catholics began for the establishment of the University of Vilnius. Who won this battle, how the university has changed through all these years, and what is important for contemporary students’ generations – all these questions will be answered in front of the architectural ensemble of university.
Wandering the narrow, medieval streets of the Old Town we will reach the area where mostly Jews and Germans lived in the past. You will get to know about different nationalities that lived in the city, how they all cohabit together and what happened to them, as Vilnius today is not so multi-ethnic anymore.
In this part of our tour, we will touch the dark pages of our history and reveal to you the consequences of the 20th-century wars for Lithuania. You will find out how Lithuanians survived the Second World War and what a bloody road we had to walk for freedom. The nation kept the spirit strong, as our freedom-fighters were always actively seeking independence.
After all these tragic stories, we will try to cheer you up by visiting Uzupis – the magical part of Vilnius that has its own crazy story. Keep your camera on, pay attention to the small artistic details in this area, and relax. Don’t take everything the guide says seriously, humor is the most important here!
After spending some time in the Republic of Uzupis, we will come back to the Republic of Lithuania, where we will pass through the Gothic corner – the best Gothic buildings in Vilnius. Why churches were built right next to each other, what legends surround this place…You get the answers to these questions…
For the final stop, we will come back to the place where we started, will take one more glimpse at the Cathedral square, just now from the different perspective, – of today’s Vilnius.
And, finally, we will give you useful tips on how to make the most of the rest of your day, because you still have plenty of time to do a lot of interesting things in Vilnius!